Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Letter: REDD governance

The Jakarta Post | Fri, 08/06/2010 4:53 PM | readers forum
This is a comment on an article titled “Untangling the web of REDD governance, (The JakartaPost, Aug. 3, p. 22).
Establishment of a special REDD+ council to me seems quite narrow-minded and pointless. Why not focus our efforts to empower the current institution setting, for instance, focusing on the DPNI (National climate change council) to become stronger, the Designated National Authority for handling climate change mitigation, and adaptation efforts including the REDD+ initiative as part of its governance role and responsibility.
One strategic step forward to empower the DNPI as a strong DNA is through strengthening the current “Presidential Decree” rule basis into higher ones such as a Government Regulation (PP) or even an act (UU), which puts a clear and strong mandate, and authorities and responsibilities on them to handle and manage all initiatives on the climate change issue including through a market-based mechanism such as REDD+.

Alue Dohong
Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan

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Orangutan Sang Penjaga Rimba

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